Ethereum transaction is still unconfirmed two days later: what’s going on?

I am confident that many of you have been frustrated when they tried to send operations to Ethereum, only to find out they were stuck in a longer period of time. The recently frustrated user shared his experience with the community, emphasizing the problem that lasted two days and influenced speed users.

The scenario described by the user illustrates a common question that may arise when sending operations to Ethereum. The system approval of the system takes time, even if small operations or high values ​​such as Bitcoin.

Here’s how it works:


  • This step takes about two seconds, but it can take up to four seconds if there are problems with the input values.


User experience emphasizes several problems:

  • The time required to confirm the operation can be very separated by the factors such as the complexity of the transaction, the number of certificates required by the sender and the recipient, and the overload level “blockchain”.

  • Transaction fees are also influenced by the expiration process. For example, if a high small area is provided, it may take longer due to increased congestion.

User experience is not an individual event, as many users have recently reported similar problems. While Ethereum developers and researchers continue to improve the system and optimize its performance, there are still reasonable issues to solve these challenges.

Some solutions have been proposed to resolve this problem or are currently being developed:

* Effective Confirmation

: Optimization of approval procedure could significantly reduce the time needed to confirm the operations.

* Improved network congestion management : Smart congestion strategy can help distribute flow throughout the network and prevent too much congestion.

In conclusion, Ethereum transaction certificate time is still an area of ​​current research and improvement. Customers who should continue to monitor the system and advocate solutions that optimize its performance. When developers try to deal with these challenges, consumers can expect faster, smooth operations in the future.

Ethereum: Transaction still unconfirmed after 2 days [duplicate]

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