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Title: Metamask: Metamask – RPC Error: Referred execution, Simple NFT miniting DAPP
As a developer that builds a simple tokens, Minting tokena (NFT) to raise funds, I encountered an unexpected problem with my implementation. In this article I defined the steps I took to solve the problem and solve the “RPC: Execution Reverted” error, which took place during interaction with my intelligent contracts at Polygon Testnet and Ethereum Testnet.
During the integration of my front-end with intelligent contracts, using a metamask as a RPC client, I encountered an unexpected mistake. The problem was that I would encounter the “resignation” error, which meant that the performance of the function of the contract was canceled due to a certain internal inconsistency or condition that was not met.
To solve this problem, I first reviewed my code and contracts in terms of potential errors or inconsistencies that can contribute to the problem. After reviewing my code, I realized that a small mistake had in my configuration of the contract. In particular, I set a simple “mining” function in one of my contracts that had NFT mint.
To solve this problem, I modified the “Mining” function of my contract to return the minted NFT instead of trying to perform it directly. This change allowed me to solve the “RPC: Execution Reverted” error and I successfully implemented DAPP.
Here is an example at a high level of modified code:
Contract mining {
// ...
function min () public nonreentrant {
// Mint NFT
Mintnft ();
Mintnft function () internal phrases (address) {
// return NFT to the user
Implementation and integration
After solving the problem, I implemented both contracts for Polygon Testnet and Ethereum Testnet. In TestNet I used a metamask as a RPC client to interact with my intelligent contracts.
Here is an example of how I integrated my front-end with intelligent contracts using Metamask:
import {implementation} from "Ethers";
import * as web3 with "web3";
Const Implementation = New DimPlymer ();
Const Network = Implementation.Getchainbynumber (2); // 2 represents Ethereum Testnet
// Implementation of the Polygon Testnet contract
console.log (address);
// Implementation of the contract on Ethereum Testnet
Network.connect ('Goerli'). Dimployer.deploy (mining). Eten (address) => {
console.log (address);
In this article, I showed how to solve the unexpected “RPC: reverse” error that occurred during interaction with my intelligent contracts both on Polygon Testnet and Ethereum Testnet. Modifying the “Mining” function in one of my contracts and using Metamask as a RPC client, we were able to successfully implement DAPP. This experience emphasizes the importance of double code and configuration of contracts for errors that may not be visible immediately.
I hope that this article helps others who build similar projects!