Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolve

Step 1: Check the Installation of Required Libraries

The Vanity Tool:

  • Libpcre-8-Dev (Ubuntu-Based Systems):sudo apt-get install libpcre-8-dev

  • Libpcre3-Dev (Non-Uubuntu-Based Systems):sudo yum install pcre3-devel

Step 2: Update Your Compiler Flags


  • -Wextra -werror in File

  • -O3 andfstack-protector flag with -static for non -ubuntu-based systems:sudo make -j $ (nproc) cfags = "-fstack-protector -static"



Sudo Make -J $ (NProc) CFLAGS = -Fstack -Protector


Step 3: Compile Vanitygen

Ethereum: OSX Vanitygen error: pattern.c:32:10: fatal error: 'pcre.h' file not found

After updating your compiler flags, try compiling vanitygen again. Here’s an example makefile that you can use as a starting point:



Cflags = -wExtra -werror -fstack -Protector -Static

Ldflags = -Static

Pattern.o: Pattern.c

$ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) -C Pattern.c

Pattern: Pattern.o

$ (CC) $ (LDFLAGS) -O Pattern ./PATNNN.O


sudo Make install


Step 4: Run the Build Command

Now, Run the Following Command to Compile Vanitygen:




This should compile vanitygen successfully. If you encounter any issues or error

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Ethereum: OSX Vanitygen error: pattern.c:32:10: fatal error: ‘pcre.h’ file not found

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