One type of medication commonly used to treat alcohol use disorder is benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines act as a sedative and help alleviate the over-stimulation in the brain shortly after quitting alcohol misuse. The final stage will usually last a couple more
Timeline of what happens when you quit drinking
Protracted withdrawal symptoms can persist for up to 6 months or longer after the initial withdrawal period. As you progress through the first week of alcohol withdrawal, symptoms may intensify. This period carries the highest risk for severe complications, such
New alcohol mortality data presents a bleak picture for England Institute of Alcohol Studies
About two-thirds of 12th graders this year said they hadn’t used alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes or e-cigarettes in the previous 30 days. That’s the largest proportion abstaining since the annual survey started measuring abstinence in 2017. Questions or messages regarding errors
Addiction Statistics: Facts About Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Going beyond these national differences, if we look at the regional data for England, a nasty surprise awaits. For the first time on record, the rate of alcohol-specific deaths in the North East of England has overtaken the rate in